
Women Empowerment for self-sustaining life: The power of women force

There is no powerful platform for a country’s progress than empowering women. There are no better words to accurately describe the talents of women. Be it traditional or modern work, there is nothing too big that women cannot achieve. They are helping the modern-day avatars like educators, managers, political leaders and they are doing well, disproving the things that are said only men can do. A woman who understands health, hygiene, and cleanliness could make her family’s environment healthier and disease-free. However, the position of women was not always like this. In ancient times, there were no women without men. They could only be daughters, wives and mothers. Undoubtedly, women are the backbone of any society as they effortlessly assume various roles every day. A wonderful daughter, a caring mother, a skilled co-worker and many other roles, women around us are flawlessly performing.

Yet they remain a neglected segment of society in many parts of the world. Often, they are subjected to inequality, oppression, economic dependence and many social carnages. For centuries, women have been living with obstacles to reach heights in the workplace and in their personal lives. They could not take leadership. They had to be under the domination of a man in their lives, be it father, son or husband. Women were given the right to vote very late in India and after a century of struggle, women got property rights, marriage and equality before the law in employment.

Women’s Leadership beyond economic sustainability

Today’s world needs more women’s leadership as we face the great challenges of our time, not only do we need more women leaders, but we also need men who learn to respect their inner femininity. Improving women’s economic standing is one of the most effective techniques for empowering them. A self-employed woman may contribute not just to her family fortune, but also to the country’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). They can be considered to be powerful if they hold a considerable amount of power resources such as personal money, education, information, knowledge, social standing, position, leadership, mobilisation abilities, and so on. The high speed of economic expansion has boosted the demand for educated female workers in nearly every industry. This new occurrence has given women economic power, which they were previously wholly reliant on males. Economically independent women are more confident in their personal lives. Some approaches to empower females were proposed by the National Policy on Education (1986).

Today’s world needs more women’s leadership as we face the great challenges of our time, not only do we need more women leaders, but we also need men who learn to respect their inner femininity.
— Ms. Sivaranjani (Blog Writer, iNNER-EYE)

Empowering women, empowering the world for better

According to it, girls are empowered through collective reflection and decision making. Their innate ability to organize and manage the home well make them uniquely suited for political and civic leadership roles. The recent engagement of women in political and social positions of power has seen tremendous growth in women’s leadership in various fields, providing another positive component in support of women’s empowerment. Even if empowerment is prioritized by the government at the policy level today, it will be meaningless without thinking about giving equal opportunities to women who are struggling to maintain their daily lives.

Therefore, awareness groups should be created and used to promote gender equality, equal participation in administration and economic activities, elimination of violence against women, etc. Any initiative taken to determine the future of women in the socio-economic and political values of the individual rights of women with a consensus is respected and empowerment should not only be a policy project it should lead to equitable development. Despite their increasing numbers in every sector, women are still the world’s most underutilized resources. Many are still excluded from wage labour and many do not utilize their talents in the best possible way.

iNNER-EYE on Women Empowerment endeavor

iNNER-EYE associates with onther organizations on the Mission of Women Empowerment and taking efforts towards the overall development of every section of Indian women, not limiting the benefit to a particular segment of society and giving them their due role. For this, government and non-government organizations should come forward and play an active role in creating awareness in the society. If a lot of women change, surely it will have a positive impact on the society. Hence, women empowerment is of absolute necessity. Without removing social stigma, sustainable progress and development cannot be achieved. A journey towards the common upright, rooted in humanity and values, is a healthy journey towards it.

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